All about International Cat Day

Discover the secrets behind International Cat Day - a celebration that will make you fall in love with these adorable creatures even more!

Introduction to International Cat Day

Did you know that cats are more than just cute pets? They play an important role in our society. Today, however, we’re not just here to talk about how much we love our feline friends. We’re here to promote something bigger: International Cat Day.

Celebrated on August 8, 2023, this date is dedicated to all cats – whether it’s your neighbor’s mysterious black cat or that adorable kitten you saw at the pet store. But there’s more to this celebration than just feasting on cat food and toys. The main objective of this day is to raise awareness about animal welfare and the importance of proper care for our pets. So let’s celebrate this date together and make the world a better place for all cats!

Origin and Meaning of the Celebration

The celebration of International Cat Day has its roots in Italy, where it was established in 1990 by an Italian animal protection organization. Why August 8th? The answer is simple: the Italians believe that the number 8 brings luck and therefore chose the eighth day of the eighth month to celebrate our feline friends.

cat day

The Cultural Impact

In Brazil, as in many other parts of the world, cats are loved and valued as family members. The celebration of this day is an opportunity to reflect on the importance of cats in our culture. They are seen as symbols of independence and mystery, as well as being associated with wisdom in various cultures.

Brazilians have a special affection for cats, so much so that there are several folkloric legends involving these animals. Celebrating International Cat Day not only recognizes the cultural importance of these animals, but also reinforces our love for them.

Animal protection

International Cat Day also serves as a reminder of the need to protect these amazing animals. In Brazil and around the world, many cats suffer from abandonment and mistreatment. This date is an opportunity to raise awareness of the importance of responsible adoption and proper care for cats.

Additionally, this celebration encourages people to support animal protection organizations that work tirelessly to secure the rights of cats and other animals.

Cats and Our Well-Being

Finally, we cannot forget the benefits that cats bring to our mental and physical health. Studies show that petting a cat can reduce stress and anxiety. Also, having a cat at home can provide invaluable companionship, especially for those who live alone or are going through difficult times.

In short: celebrating International Cat Day is more than just honoring our feline friends – it’s a way of recognizing their significant contribution to our overall well-being.

First Cat in Space: Fascinating History

Presentation of the space feline

International Cat Day – August 8, 2023, is a perfect date to remember the fascinating story of the first cat to go into space. That’s right, a cat! Believe it or not, this actually happened.

cat look cat day

The little feline called “Amei” was the protagonist of this unusual space mission. He was no ordinary astronaut, he was a four-legged hero with sharp mustaches.

An unusual space mission

This adventure began when scientists decided to study the effects of space on living beings. So, they chose “Amei”, a brave kitten to fulfill this task. The launch took place amid much anticipation and curiosity.

  • Launch: 11:45 am
  • Temperature: -2°C
  • Cat Mood: Nervous (understandable)

During the mission, “Amei” remained in zero gravity for about 15 minutes before safely returning to Earth. It was an incredible experience not only for him, but also for the entire scientific community.

Impact on the history of space exploration

This event profoundly marked the history of space exploration. He demonstrated that it was possible to send living beings into space and bring them back alive.

  1. First living creature in space: Cat
  2. Second living thing in space: Human

This paved the way for future manned missions and increased our understanding of how the body reacts to the extreme conditions of space.

Legacy of the “Astronaut Cat”

“Amei” left an indelible legacy in the history of space exploration. His name is frequently mentioned in science books and his image adorned on postage stamps around the world.

He proved that boundaries are made to be pushed and that even the smallest among us can reach for the stars.

So, on this International Cat Day, let’s celebrate not only our feline friends here on Earth, but also those who have gone beyond Earth’s limits for the sake of science!

And you? Can you imagine your cat being the next “astronaut cat”?

Contrast between wild and domestic cats

Physical characteristics

Wild cats have physical characteristics that are different from domestic cats. While the former have more robust bodies, adapted for survival in harsh environments, the latter tend to be smaller and lighter. Furthermore, markings and coat colors also differ significantly between these two groups.

  1. Wild Cats : More robust with thick fur and colors that vary according to habitat.
  2. Domestic Cats : Smaller and lighter, with a variety of coat colors and patterns.

feline behavior

The behavioral differences are even more evident:

  • Feral cats are solitary animals that hunt alone.
  • Domestic cats can develop strong bonds with humans and other animals.

The domestication of cats throughout human history has been a fascinating source of study for many scientists. This relationship is believed to have started around 9,500 years ago in the Middle East.



7500 BC

First evidence of coexistence between humans and cats


Archaeological discovery confirms domestication in this period

Specific Needs

Each group has its specific needs:

  • Wildcats need large territories to hunt.
  • Domestic animals need regular veterinary care, a balanced diet and social interaction.

It is important to remember that although there is a contrast between wild and domestic cats, they are both part of the same animal kingdom. Whether in the wild or on our couch, each species plays a crucial role in balancing the ecosystem.

Did you know that the DNA of our domestic feline friends is surprisingly similar to that of their wild relatives? That means your little furball has a lot more in common with a big cat than you might think!

So, on this International Cat Day – August 8th – let’s celebrate all species of these amazing animals! They can be big or small, wild or domesticated; all deserve our respect and admiration for their unique beauty and contribution to the natural world.


Vocal Communication of Cats: Manipulative Evolution

the feline vocalizations

Cats, these mysterious and intriguing beings, have a variety of vocalizations used to communicate. Purring, meowing, growling and even that squeaky sound they make when they are scared or irritated.

  • Purring is usually a sign of contentment.
  • The meow can have different meanings depending on the tone and the situation.
  • The growl is usually a warning that the cat is uncomfortable or scared.
  • The loudest sounds can indicate extreme fear or aggression.

The manipulative evolution

Now you might be thinking, “but how does this have to do with manipulative evolution?” Well, scientific studies suggest that cats have evolved a variety of vocalizations specifically to interact with humans. This means that they have learned to positively “manipulate” us to get what they want.

For example, some cats learn to meow a certain way when they are hungry and want food. Others may purr loudly when they want affection. These are subtle forms of manipulation that cats use to communicate with us.

Scientific studies

Studies by experts in animal behavior show this trend. A study published in the journal Behavioral Processes found that cat owners can identify their pet’s needs just by the sound of the meow.

Practical examples

In everyday life, this manipulative communication can be observed in several situations:

  1. When your cat meows next to the empty food bowl.
  2. When he purrs on your lap while you watch TV.
  3. When he growls when someone unknown enters the house.

So next International Cat Day – August 8, 2023 – pay attention to your feline’s vocal communication and see if you can spot those manipulative patterns!

cat with party hat

World Commemorations on August 8

Overview of festivities

Millions of people around the world mark August 8 on their calendars. Why? It’s “International Cat Day”, a global celebration dedicated to our feline friends. No matter where you are in the world, there’s bound to be some sort of celebration going on.

  • In Tokyo, for example, giant fairs are held with everything related to cats.
  • In New York City, there are special exhibitions in museums dedicated to feline art.
  • And in Australia, schools and organizations launch educational campaigns about cat health and well-being.

Now I ask: who wouldn’t want to participate in these festivities?

notable events

It’s not just fun events that draw attention on this day. There are also many serious activities aimed at promoting feline health.

  1. Global campaigns promote the vaccination and neutering of cats.
  2. Non-profit organizations hold lectures on animal care.
  3. Veterinarians provide free checkups for cats in underserved communities.

It’s amazing to see how people come together to celebrate these furry little beings!

Popular participation

It’s no secret that millions of people adore their cats – just look at all the cat videos on YouTube! But when August 8 arrives, this passion becomes even more evident.

Just imagine:

  • Children parading with their kittens dressed up;
  • Adults sharing funny stories about their feline adventures;
  • Elderly people opening their homes for temporary adoption of animals.

And this is just a taste of what happens!

Importance of celebrations

But why are all these celebrations so important? Well, they help raise awareness of important animal welfare issues. In addition, they also remind us of the constant need to protect and care for these amazing animals.

So, even though October seems like a long way off now, don’t forget: when August 8 rolls around, do something special for your feline friend!

Richest Cats in the World: Trivia

Famous Cases of Feline Fortunes

Have you ever heard of cats that inherited fortunes? Well, they exist! A famous example is the case of Blackie, a cat who inherited an estimated fortune of 13 million dollars after the death of his owner. Another notable case is that of the Italian cat Tommasina, who received around 13 million dollars.

millionaire wills

But how does this happen? Well, some wealthy pet owners decide to leave their fortunes to their beloved pets in their wills. It’s a quirky but loving way of ensuring your kitties continue to live in luxury after you’re gone.

  1. Blackie : Inherited about 13 million dollars.
  2. Tommasina : Received approximately 13 million dollars.

Reflections on the Phenomenon

These cases raise interesting reflections on our relationship with animals and how society perceives these peculiar situations. Some may see this as overkill or even wasteful, while others consider it a genuine display of love for animals.

Legal Implications

What about the legal implications of these cases? Well, in most countries, animals are considered property and cannot legally own property. Therefore, money is usually left to a trusted guardian or foundation that will look after the welfare of the animal.

It is important to remember that each case has its particularities and must be treated individually. But one thing is for sure: these kittens are living the life many humans dream of!

Always remember: as strange as it may seem to some, each person has the right to dispose of their possessions in the way that suits them best – even if that way involves leaving them for their beloved pet!

So now you know: when someone tells you “my cat has a good life”, it might be truer than you think!

Conclusion: Reflections on International Cat Day

The world of cats is fascinating, isn’t it? From the celebration of its existence to the most incredible curiosities. The origin of this commemorative date takes us back in time, where cats were revered and played a significant role in ancient cultures.

And speaking of travel, did you know you’ve had a cat in space? Yeah, these kittens are amazing! But not only do cats live on space adventures. The difference between the behavior of wild and domestic cats shows how they have adapted to life next to us.

And this coexistence brought changes in their vocal communication as well. Meows evolved to manipulate our feelings (smart ones, right?). On August 8th, the whole world celebrates these incredible beings with a variety of activities and events.

And to close with a golden key: there are cats that are richer than most humans out there! Surprising, isn’t it? Now it is your turn! Celebrate International Cat Day the way your feline friend deserves!

Common questions

Why is International Cat Day celebrated?

The date was created to raise awareness of the importance of proper pet care and promote responsible adoption.

What was the first cat in space?

Felicette, a French cat, was the first (and only) cat to go into space in 1963.

Is there a difference between the behavior of wild and domestic cats?

Yes. While wild cats are solitary and born hunters, domestic cats are more sociable and have different eating habits.

How does cat vocal communication work?

Cat meows evolved to communicate with us. They use different sounds to express their needs or emotions.

What are some of the worldwide celebrations on the 8th of August?

Celebrations include special events at animal shelters, discounts on pet products and animal welfare education campaigns.

Are there really “rich cats”?

Yes! Some inherit fortunes left by their human owners. The most famous case is Blackie, who inherited about $13 million when his owner died.

External References:



By Andrew Jack

Andrew Jack Andrew, co-founder of Book of Cats, is an absolute cat devotee and a vital part of our knowledgeable team. Originally from the heart of Brazil, his love for cats is as warm and welcoming as his homeland. With a house full of different breeds, he embraced the myriad personalities, each offering a unique perspective on the cat world. Between curating enriching content for Tudo Gatos and caring for his own feline friends, Andrew finds comfort in the shared purrs and meows that form the beautiful symphony of his everyday life.His fascination with felines doesn't overshadow his other interests, however. In addition to “Book of Cats”, Andrew is an avid traveler and a great lover of the arts. His travels around the globe and his passion for different cultures inspire a unique point of view in his writings, bringing an international flavor to our blog. Whether exploring the hidden corners of the world or unraveling the intriguing complexities of feline behavior, Andrew's experiences and dedication stand out, making him an invaluable resource for our Book of Cats community.