Defending their space: Cats with a strong territorial sense

cat Defending their space: Cats with a strong territorial sense

Cats have a strong territorial sense and use different ways to mark and defend their territory from rivals. They use pheromones, urine and scratches as a means of establishing boundaries and protecting their area. Even neutered cats can continue to be territorial, especially if they have a dominant personality. Understanding this characteristic of cats is essential to avoid conflicts between them and promote a harmonious coexistence.

Main points covered:

  • Cats are naturally territorial and mark their territory using pheromones, urine and scratches;
  • Neutered cats can still be territorial, especially if they have a dominant personality;
  • Strategies such as environmental enrichment, individual accessories and the use of repellents and artificial spray pheromones can help avoid conflicts between territorial cats ;
  • Investing in appropriate toys and scratching areas also helps to reduce territorial aggression;
  • The use of repellents and the application of artificial pheromone sprays can calm territorial cats .

Territorial behaviors of cats

Cats use specific behaviors to mark and defend their territory, such as the use of pheromones, urine and scratching. These behaviors are a way to establish limits and ward off rivals. When a cat rubs its face against objects, furniture or even a person’s legs, it is depositing pheromones, chemicals that transmit messages to other cats. These olfactory signals help to delimit the cat’s territory and communicate its presence to other animals.


Urine also plays an important role in marking cats’ territory. When urinating in strategic locations such as trees, plants or walls, the cat leaves a very strong olfactory signal that indicates that that space is theirs. Furthermore, scratches on furniture and objects are another way of marking territory. The glands on cats’ paws release pheromones when they scratch, leaving visual and olfactory marks that inform other cats about their presence in the area.

These territorial behaviors are natural and instinctive in cats, but they can generate conflicts when there is more than one cat living in the same environment. It is important to understand these behaviors and take measures to prevent problems between felines. Environmental enrichment, for example, offers stimuli and activities that help reduce territorial aggressiveness. Additionally, providing individual accessories for each cat, such as unique beds, litter boxes and feeders, helps avoid competition for resources and reduces stress.

Another option to control the territorial behavior of cats is the use of repellents and artificial spray pheromones. Repellents can be used to keep cats away from unwanted areas, while artificial pheromones help calm felines and reduce stress related to territorial behavior. Both products can be applied to furniture, objects or specific areas of the house where cats tend to mark their territory.

Territorial behaviors of cats: 
Using pheromones to mark territory 
Marking territory with urine 
Scratches as a form of territorial delimitation 

Neutered cats and territoriality

Neutering does not completely eliminate territorial behavior in cats, and some neutered cats may still be territorial. This occurs because territoriality is a natural characteristic of felines, regardless of their reproductive status. However, neutering can have an impact on territorial behavior, making them less aggressive and less likely to mark territory with urine or scratches.

It is important to note that the territorial behavior of neutered cats can vary according to their personality. Some cats with dominant personalities may continue to defend their space even after neutering. On the other hand, more docile and submissive cats may show a significant reduction in territorial behavior after castration.

To promote harmony between territorial cats , it is essential to know the needs of each animal and offer an enriched environment. This includes ensuring each cat has their own accessories, such as individual beds, separate litter boxes, and dedicated feeders. Furthermore, it is recommended to use repellents to prevent cats from marking unwanted areas and to use artificial pheromone sprays to calm stress related to territorial behavior.

Neutered cats and marking their territory

Marking territory is a form of communication between cats, and even neutered cats can use this behavior to establish limits and demarcate their space. Therefore, even after castration, it is important to be aware of signs of territorial marking, such as urine sprayed on walls and furniture, scratches on objects and aggressive behavior towards other cats.


To minimize excessive marking of territory, it is recommended to adopt some measures. Providing appropriate toys and scratching areas for cats can help redirect their territorial behavior toward appropriate objects. Additionally, using repellents can be effective in keeping cats away from unwanted areas, such as furniture or plants. Artificial pheromone sprays can also be used to calm territorial cats , reducing stress and the need to mark their territory.

Advantages of neutering territorial cats:
Reduced territorial aggressiveness
Decreased marking of territory with urine and scratching
Improved coexistence between cats
Reduced risk of diseases related to the reproductive system

In summary, neutering does not completely eliminate territorial behavior in cats, but it can reduce aggression and excessive territory marking. It is important to remember that each cat is unique and may respond differently to neutering. Therefore, it is essential to observe and adapt management strategies to meet the individual needs of each feline.

Dominant personality in territorial cats

Cats with dominant personalities are more likely to be territorial and defend their space more aggressively. These cats have a greater need to control and mark their territory to assert themselves as leaders. They are naturally more competitive and want to maintain control over the environment in which they live.

When a dominant cat encounters another cat in its territory, it may display more aggressive behaviors, such as arching its back, snorting, or even attacking the invader. This aggressiveness is a way of establishing hierarchy and protecting its territory from possible threats.

It is important to respect the territorial behavior of these cats and provide environmental enrichment options so that they can channel their energy more appropriately. Interactive toys, scratching areas and vertical spaces are examples of resources that can help reduce territorial aggression in dominant cats.

Behaviors of a Territorial Dominant CatHow to deal with dominant cats
– Excessive marking of territory with urine and scratches– Provide individual resources such as beds and litter boxes for each cat
– Aggressiveness when interacting with other cats– Use repellents to keep other cats away from the territory
– Arching of the back and snorting– Offer appropriate toys to stimulate the dominant cat

Understanding and respecting the dominant personality of territorial cats is essential to promoting a harmonious environment and avoiding conflicts between animals. Providing an enriched environment, with individual resources and distraction options, can help reduce territorial aggression and promote the well-being of dominant cats.

Avoiding conflicts between territorial cats

To avoid conflicts between territorial cats, it is essential to adopt measures such as environmental enrichment and the use of individual accessories for each cat. Creating a rich and stimulating environment can help reduce stress and territorial aggression, promoting a harmonious coexistence between felines.

One of the important strategies is to invest in toys and activities that can distract territorial cats. This helps them channel their energy and natural instincts, preventing them from focusing solely on marking territory. Interactive toys, scratching posts and climbing shelves are excellent options for keeping cats occupied and satisfied.

PUPPIES PLAYING which cats are most territorial

Furthermore, it is essential to provide individual accessories for each cat. This includes separate beds, individual litter boxes and dedicated feeders. Each cat needs to have its own personal space where it feels safe and respected. This way, disputes over resources are avoided and the chance of territorial conflicts is minimized.

Strategies to avoid conflicts between territorial cats:
Invest in environmental enrichment, such as interactive toys and scratching posts
Provide individual accessories for each cat, such as exclusive beds, litter boxes and feeders
Use repellents to keep cats away from unwanted areas
Try using artificial pheromone sprays to calm territorial cats

The benefits of environmental enrichment

Environmental enrichment offers a number of benefits for territorial cats . In addition to keeping them entertained, access to appropriate toys and activities helps reduce stress and anxiety. This can reduce territorial aggression and promote a more peaceful coexistence between cats. By providing an enriched environment, you will be offering mental and physical stimulation that is important for the well-being of felines.

“Investing in environmental enrichment and providing individual accessories are fundamental measures to avoid conflicts between territorial cats .”

However, it is important to note that each cat is unique, and it may be necessary to adapt strategies according to each cat’s individual behavior and needs. Furthermore, consultation from a veterinarian specialized in feline behavior can be very useful in guiding and helping to resolve possible behavioral problems.


To ensure a harmonious coexistence between territorial cats, it is necessary to understand their territorial needs and behaviors. Adopting measures such as environmental enrichment, providing individual accessories, using repellents and spray pheromones can help prevent conflicts and promote harmony in the home. Always remember to dedicate time and attention to your cats, providing a safe and stimulating environment so that they can express their natural instincts and live healthily and happily.

Environmental enrichment for territorial cats

Environmental enrichment plays a key role in reducing territorial behavior in cats by providing adequate stimuli and scratching areas. Through environmental enrichment, it is possible to provide cats with a sense of security and well-being, reducing the need to aggressively demarcate territory.

There are several environmental enrichment options that can be adopted to keep territorial cats entertained and satisfied. Toys that stimulate the hunting instinct, such as wands with feathers and moving balls, can help release the cat’s energy and distract it from excessive focus on the territory.

CAT FIGHTING 3 which cats are most territorial

Furthermore, it is important to provide adequate scratching areas, such as vertical and horizontal scratching posts, that allow the cat to exercise its claws and mark its territory appropriately. These areas also help reduce stress and anxiety, preventing undesirable behaviors related to the territory.

Benefits of environmental enrichment for territorial cats:
Reduction of aggressive behavior related to territory.
Physical and mental stimulation, reducing boredom and frustration.
Creating a safe and welcoming environment for the cat.
Stimulation of natural hunting and exploration behavior.

Investing in environmental enrichment is an effective way to promote harmonious coexistence between territorial cats, providing them with a stimulating and satisfying environment. By providing adequate stimuli and scratching areas, it is possible to reduce territorial behavior and promote feline well-being.

Individual accessories for each territorial cat

Providing individual accessories for each cat is essential to avoid territorial conflicts. Individual beds, separate litter boxes and exclusive feeders are some of the options that can help promote harmony between territorial cats.

When each cat has its own personal space, it reduces the need for competition and the possibility of confrontations. Furthermore, having an exclusive bed for each cat offers them a safe and comforting place to rest, thus avoiding conflicts over territory. The same goes for litter boxes: Providing a box for each cat helps prevent disputes and ensures that everyone has adequate access to a place for their needs.

Single bedsThey provide a safe and comfortable space for each cat to rest.
Separate litter boxesThey ensure that each cat has an exclusive area for their needs.
Exclusive feedersThey avoid disputes over food, ensuring that each cat has adequate access to its meal.

In addition to the practical benefits of offering individual accessories, this also helps reduce cats’ stress and anxiety, creating a more harmonious environment. Each cat will feel safer having its own designated territory, which reduces the need to engage in aggressive or territorial behavior.

Remember that cats’ individuality must be respected and attended to, even when they share the same space. Providing individual accessories is a simple and effective way to promote peace and balance among territorial cats.

Using repellents for territorial cats

Using repellents can be an effective strategy for keeping territorial cats away from unwanted areas, such as gardens or furniture. There are different types of repellents available on the market, each with its own way of working.

Some repellents use odors that are unpleasant to cats, such as those coming from citrus plants, vinegar or pepper. These odors keep felines away, as they have a very sensitive sense of smell and tend to avoid places with smells that they don’t like.

CAT FLYING which cats are most territorial

Other repellents emit ultrasonic noises, which are inaudible to humans but uncomfortable for cats. These devices emit high-frequency sounds that cats find uncomfortable, causing them to avoid the area where the repellent is attached.

Type of RepellentMode of Action
Smell repellentsThey emit unpleasant odors for cats, driving them away from the area.
Ultrasonic repellersThey emit high-frequency noises that are uncomfortable for cats, causing them to avoid the area.

It is important to highlight that the use of repellents must be combined with other strategies to avoid conflicts between territorial cats. Environmental enrichment, providing individual accessories for each cat and the use of artificial pheromone sprays are also important recommendations to create a harmonious environment.


In summary, the use of repellents can be an efficient solution to keep territorial cats away from unwanted areas. It is important to choose the type of repellent that best suits the situation and combine its use with other strategies to avoid conflicts between cats. Maintain an enriched environment, with individual accessories for each cat and also use artificial pheromone sprays when necessary. This way, it will be possible to promote harmony and well-being among cats and minimize problems related to territorial behavior.

Artificial pheromone spray for territorial cats

Artificial pheromone sprays can be an effective tool for calming territorial cats and reducing stress related to territorial behavior. Pheromones are chemical substances naturally produced by cats, which play a crucial role in communication between them. These substances help to transmit messages of calm and security, establishing a more peaceful and harmonious environment for felines.

There are different types of pheromone sprays available on the market, specifically designed to calm cats in stressful situations, such as excessive territory marking or introducing a new feline companion into the household. These sprays contain synthetic pheromones that are chemically similar to those naturally produced by cats, which helps create a sense of familiarity and comfort for them.

CAT IN THE SHRINK which cats are most territorial

To use artificial pheromone sprays, simply spray the product in key areas of the home where cats tend to mark or where territorial conflicts occur. These areas may include furniture, rugs or even the carrier used to take the cat to the veterinarian. The spray can be applied daily or as needed according to the manufacturer’s instructions.

It is important to note that spray pheromones are not a definitive solution to territorial behavior problems, but can be used as a complementary tool in a comprehensive plan to promote harmony between cats. It is always recommended to consult a veterinarian or feline behaviorist for proper guidance on the use of these products and other strategies for dealing with territorial cats.


Understanding the territorial behavior of cats and adopting appropriate measures can help promote harmony between cats and avoid territorial conflicts. Cats are naturally territorial and use pheromones, urine and scratches to mark their territory, establishing limits and warding off potential rivals. Even neutered cats can remain territorial, especially if they have a dominant personality.

To avoid conflicts between cats and excessive marking of territory, it is recommended to invest in environmental enrichment, provide individual accessories for each cat and use repellents and artificial pheromone sprays. Environmental enrichment, through appropriate toys and scratching areas, can help keep territorial cats entertained and reduce territorial aggression. Providing individual accessories, such as separate beds, dedicated litter boxes and individual feeders, can also prevent territorial conflicts between cats.

ANGRY CAT 2 which cats are most territorial

Additionally, using repellents helps keep territorial cats away from unwanted areas. There are different types of repellents available, and it is important to use them effectively to get the best results. Finally, artificial pheromone sprays may be an option for calming territorial cats and reducing stress related to territorial behavior.

In short, by understanding and adapting to cats’ territorial behavior, owners can promote harmony between cats and avoid conflicts. Investing in environmental enrichment, providing individual accessories, using repellents and artificial pheromone sprays are effective strategies for dealing with territorial cats. With appropriate measures, it is possible to create a harmonious environment for cats and provide a peaceful coexistence between them.


Q: Are cats territorial by nature?

A: Yes, cats are naturally territorial. They mark territory using pheromones, urine and scratches as a way to establish boundaries and ward off rivals.

Q: Are neutered cats territorial too?

A: Yes, even neutered cats can remain territorial, especially if they have a dominant personality.

Q: How can I avoid conflicts between territorial cats?

A: To avoid conflicts between territorial cats and excessive territory marking, it is recommended to invest in environmental enrichment, provide individual accessories for each cat and use repellents and artificial pheromone sprays.

Q: What is environmental enrichment for cats?

A: Environmental enrichment for cats refers to creating an environment that stimulates and meets the physical and mental needs of felines by providing appropriate activities and toys.

Q: How to use repellents to ward off territorial cats?

A: There are different types of repellents available, such as spray or ultrasonic repellents. They should be applied to unwanted areas to ward off territorial cats.

Q: Do artificial spray pheromones really calm territorial cats?

A: Yes, artificial pheromone sprays are designed to mimic cats’ natural pheromones, helping to calm cats and reduce stress related to territorial behavior.

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By Jaciel Costa

Jaciel, one of the minds behind “Book of Cats”, is a self-proclaimed cat enthusiast who has an infectious love for all things feline. Currently living in the lively city of Goiânia, Goiás, he shares his home and his heart with three adorable cats that range from playful kittens to mature and wise companions. When he's not creating informative and engaging articles for our community of cat lovers, you can find him revving the engine on his beloved motorcycle, exploring the beautiful countryside of Brazil, or spending quality time with his partner, Gabriel.A native of Goiânia, Jaciel has a background as diverse as it is fascinating. Having spent many years in the shipping industry, he has experienced the hustle and bustle of life on the go. However, it is the tranquility of the house, with the rhythmic purring of its cats, that truly captures your heart. His experience, combined with his unwavering passion for cats, has enabled him to provide invaluable advice to our readers at Book of Cats. His practical tips and in-depth knowledge help cat owners ensure their furry friends lead happy, healthy lives.However, Jaciel isn't just about cats and motorcycles. He has a zest for life that is second to none. He loves the vibrant beats of European and American dance music, and his spirit really comes to life under the festive lights of Brazil's famous beach parties. Whenever he manages to get away from his writing and his cats, chances are you'll find him dancing the night away, soaking up the heat of Brazil's vibrant party scene. However, no matter how far he wanders, he always returns to his greatest love of all – his cats, bringing new experiences and insights to share with our “Everything Cats” family.